Kawika Pegram

“Climate change is very apparent to people who live near the shore,” he says. “At a fundamental level, it is a crisis and it’s happening right now and affecting millions of people right now.”
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“Climate change is very apparent to people who live near the shore,” he says. “At a fundamental level, it is a crisis and it’s happening right now and affecting millions of people right now.”
100 individuals, businesses, and community organizations committed to Hawaii’s journey to 100% clean energy. These are stories of people who don’t just have skin in the game, they have soul in the game.
Have you already made a change in your life for the good of the planet? Are you ready to take your effort to the next level? Fill out the form below and inspire others to lead Hawaii’s transition to 100% clean energy.
Climate change isn’t on the horizon—it’s happening right now.
Devastating wildfires, stronger hurricanes, and deadly heat waves are on the rise globally.
But the good news is, you can help stop it. It’s up to us to show the rest of the world that living fossil fuel free is not only better, it’s 100% possible.
The goal of "We Are 100" is to showcase 100 stories of companies, organizations, and individuals across the state that are supporting Hawaii's journey to 100% clean energy. The campaign is run by Hawaii-based nonprofit Blue Planet Foundation.
Mahalo to Elemental Excelerator for supporting this campaign, and to the featured individuals, businesses and organizations who shared their stories. If you'd like to support projects like We Are 100, please consider supporting Blue Planet Foundation with a donation. If you'd like to be featured, please fill out our online form in our "Get Involved" section.
This ambitious campaign is the result of collaboration and partnerships, beyond the core Blue Planet team. We couldn’t have done it without the time, dedication, and creativity of the following people, who lent their talents to this project:
Video - Logan Laveti, Chloe Ma Written Stories - Liz Barney, Falynn Brickler, Ariana Datta, Elicia Fine, Kamal Kapadia, Kelsey Loenhorst, Alex Kahn Additional Photos - Reggie Padilla, Marcus Reimel Graphic Design - Warren Daubert Website - Fifty & Fifty